Registration Night: Rosemeadow Marketplace
5:30pm - 8:00 pm
Registration Night: Rosemeadow Marketplace
5:30pm - 8:00 pm
Registration Night: Rosemeadow Marketplace
5:30pm - 8:00 pm
We offer a 2 week program that allows athletes the chance to participate in a wide range of athletic events.
It is a Centre requirement that all U12's & those who have not competed in Javelin must attend Javelin training before they are able to compete in this event on a Friday night.
Week 1
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The information in this program is current at the time of printing. When formulating the program, reasonable care has been taken to provide each athlete with age appropriate opportunities and to reduce waiting time at events. ALAC Inc. does, however, reserve the right to change the program where deemed necessary in line with the number of registered athletes.
The Rules of Competition and the Event & Equipment Specifications can be found on the Little Athletics NSW website under the "Competitions" page www.laansw.com.au