Hi everyone,
It’s that time of year again! I hope everyone enjoyed their break and are now ready for the new season to commence. Our season will commence on September 27th 2019 at 6pm at Oswald Reserve, Oswald Crescent, Rosemeadow.
Our pre registration evenings have now started, however if you miss the pre registration you can still register on the first night of competion in September. Don't forget to like our facebook page to stay up to date with all things athletics.
Registration days are
22rd /29th August
5th September
Rosemeadow Marketplace
5.30pm - 8pm
Registration Fees:
Tiny Tots
U6 – U17
Proof of age in the form of a Birth Certificate,Passport or blue book must be presented for all new registrations
Email: ambarvalelittleathletics@yahoo.com.au
We thank you for joining Ambarvale Little Athletics.
We hope you enjoy your season and remember to:
“Run for fun & do your best"